Given the situation with the Covid 19, the first MUTe conference is postponed to a later date. We will get back to you with further information.
Why a MUTe conference?
Cities and regional territories are undergoing unprecedented changes, embodying the challenges of our world. Urbanisation is one of the powerful markers of economic development (Bairoch, 1985, Braudel, 1979), but we are now experiencing a spatial and territorial turn which demands a new deal.
Global cities (Sassen, 1991), regional advantages (Saxenian, 1996) and creative classes (Florida, 1995, 2005) can drive progress, while the advent of the smart city can open up new opportunities.
But although the promises are great, the questions are also significant: are cities and regions up to the challenges of creating economic, social and environmental value for our world, and will they be in the future?
The questions are only growing:
- Denise Pumain (1982, 2020) and Saskia Sassen (1991) demonstrate the complexity of transforming urban systems
- Rarely have the regions been marked by such disparities, crises and fractures. Richard Florida (2005), who saw the creative classes as a driver of development, now wonders about the urban crisis (2017), while Laurent Davezies (2020, 2012), Gérard-François Dumont (2007, 2012) and Christophe Guilluy (2000, 2014) are keen to highlight the fractures and the risks of regional and local fragmentation driven by the proliferation of disenfranchised territories (falling employment and economic activity).
- Muhammad Yunus (2017) reminds us that inclusion poses major challenges, and that the digital revolution alone does not make for smart regions.
The eTi Chair’s Mutations of Urban spaces and regional Territories conference aims to create a forum at the Sorbonne for dialogue and exchange between researchers, community stakeholders, practitioners and citizens to address the challenges of mutating urban spaces and regional territories.
Because all these players cannot remain silent on these issues around creating social and environmental economic value!
The conference will be organized by the Chaire ETI
It will take place on May 26-27, 2020 at the Sorbonne and the IAE Paris