The MUTe conference: themes
- The management sciences in the face of urban and regional change? Strategy, management, entrepreneurship, information systems, human resources management, finance and management monitoring.
- Regional entrepreneurship: challenges, forms, impacts
- Public management in relation to the regional territories: which approach to regional management? How should we manage local authorities?
- What governance should we implement in the face of change? Considering new forms of coordination (PPP)? Considering citizen-centric management?
- Smart city, living city: experiments and challenges around scaling up; challenges of managing local authorities and territories
- Megalopolises, Metropolises: opportunities, threats, disparities and means of action
- The challenges of modelling: taking into account the diversity of value creation, how do we model territories and complex systems?
- The challenges of chrono-urbanism planning: ¼-hour city, ½-hour region
- The challenges for managing innovation in the digital and technological transformations (AI, IoT, Big Data, etc.)
- Regional Fractures: diagnoses, observations, challenges and courses of action
- The regional territories under pressure: restricted regions, insular regions, regions in withdrawal
- The social transformation of cities and regional territories: are the creative classes in crisis?
- Creating inclusive territories: CSR for public and private stakeholders? The role of the SSE players?